Marina Consulting Limited is a comprehensive Financial, Human Capital Management and Tax Consultancy. Our services are comprehensive in terms of offered products (financial and advisory services, financial management, investment, tax management, marketing, human capital development).

Marina Consulting was founded in 2014 in order to bring innovative and value added consultation services to businesses. Marina Consulting is located at 24-26 Boyle Street, Onikan, Lagos from where it is poised to serve her clients through a combination of networking and monthly breakfast meetings that delve into topical issues. Besides the breakfast meetings developing new business, it is also a way that Marina Consulting can give back to the society.

Marina Consulting is dedicated to provide financial, marketing and management consulting services to existing and emerging businesses looking for opportunities to increase their potentials for success. Unlike traditional management consulting firms that focus on analyzing problems for large customers with one fits all solution, Marina Consulting works exclusively with its customers to develop unique, concrete, practical short/long-term action plans that will start moving their businesses in the right direction.


The objectives for the first five years of operation include:


1. To create a service-based company whose primary goal is to exceed customer’s expectations.

2. To increase the number of clients served by at least 25% per year through superior performance and word of mouth referrals.

3. To develop a sustainable financial and management consulting company that generates value for their customers. 


Marina Consulting Limited’s mission is to provide comprehensive tailor-made management and financial planning solutions for our customers. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers. 


The Marina Consulting Team is focused specifically on helping established and emerging businesses maximize their potential for success. We combine Blue Chip training with small business experience and local presence. We differentiate ourselves in the following ways:

1. Focus on emerging business. We place our best people on emerging business customers. Our mission is to help emerging businesses of today become the leading corporations of tomorrow. Marina Consulting Team will attempt to own the words “emerging business” in the minds of our potential clients. 

2. Cost-effective personal interaction with local consultant presence. Personal interaction provides small and emerging businesses with a level of comfort not available with remote consultants. There may be many occasions where the small or emerging business founders may ask the consultant to simply “stop by,” to react to a new development, or to answer a question. While this local presence and personal interaction is highly valued, business owners are often unable to afford the cost associated with bringing consultants to them from other areas. 

3. A diverse network of consultants and alliance partners. Solving the unique problems that face small and emerging businesses today demands a wide range of skills and experiences. By relying on a nationally distributed talent base coordinated to work together remotely, Marina Consulting Team will be able to bring together the skills required by a particular client without incurring the expense of physically bringing all of the individuals together. In the book, 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, authors Al Ries and Jack Trout note that being first in the customer's mind is more important than being the overall leader. In the world of small business, this is particularly true. With tens of thousands of small businesses starting each year, there is a significant opportunity for a consulting firm such as Marina Consulting to become the "first" consulting firm dedicated exclusively to small and emerging businesses in the minds of a number of these potential clients.

People and values

Our people are energetic about supporting and challenging our clients in equal measure. We are very passionate about making a measurable impact in all we do. Our approach is to deliver enduring solutions, true to each client’s specific situation. We see our clients as business partners, and share their aspirations. We provide business solutions that are tailor made to each client’s problem.


We demonstrate a "unique team" attitude and are led by our team of Consultants across practices. Our Consultants lead the firm in our mission of delivering unprecedented results for our clients, our people, and our communities. Our objective is to generate superior value for our clients, shareholders, and associates by delivering outstanding consulting services, maintaining a strong business model, and practicing a disciplined operating philosophy with an eye on operational excellence.