Marina Consulting Limited is a comprehensive Financial, Management and Tax Consultancy. Marina services are comprehensive in terms of offered products (equities, bonds, financial management, investment and tax planning, marketing and general management) and depth of research.

The Marina Consulting Limited portfolio is designed to provide targeted financial, marketing and management solutions to emerging businesses. From helping entrepreneurs define their business plans to improve their chances for obtaining venture funding, to creating concrete marketing deliverables to promote their original ideas and putting an effective management system in place the Marina Consulting Team seeks to help emerging businesses at various stages of development. Our services fall into four major categories.


1. Management consulting;  

2. Market planning; 

3. Communication services; 

4. Financial planning and Technology.

MANAGEMENT CONSULTING: The Marina Consulting Team helps entrepreneurs build a solid managerial foundation from which the rest of their business can expand and grow. We construct organizational development blueprints for young firms searching for a solid structure to build upon, and assist in constructing business plans for fledgling companies to improve their chances of obtaining venture funding. MACON offers insights and ideas for how emerging businesses can discover and sustain their competitive advantage in today’s business landscape where a lack of continuous and constant innovation can be fatal. Areas of management consulting include - business strategy, organizational development, profit modelling and sustainable competitive advantage identification.

Furthermore, we offer expertise in other areas such as profit modelling to assist emerging businesses in their future planning, especially in today’s market where heavy emphasis has been placed upon a company’s ability to show profits rather than pure growth.

MARKET PLANNING: Deciding how to present an innovative idea to the market is critical. We have expertise in turning that idea into a successful business venture. Our market planning services help emerging business founders determine the best messaging for their companies through market and competitive analysis. Major aspects of market planning include - market analysis, value proposition creation, partnership identification, marketing mix development, launches strategies, messaging

We then take the information gained in our analyses and create an effective marketing mix encompassing all of the elements of product or service definition. Finally, we can help our clients develop a launch plan to give their product or service a good chance at success. When necessary, we will help to develop marketing or business development partnerships.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES:Major aspects of financial management services include - financial analysis, capital adequacy and structure, financial mix, financial re-engineering and tax planning. Through our past experience in the finance industry, MACON provides expertise in a variety of ways. MACON assists in determining the best financial mix and raising of such funds either as debt or equity at the best price. We do not only advise on appropriate financial structure but also on the best dividend policy that will engender growth and enhance the shareholder’s worth.

Value Proposition

For small and emerging businesses looking for opportunities to increase their chance at success, MACON offers a set of solutions designed to improve overall business execution. Unlike traditional management consulting firms that concentrate on helping large clients identify problems, MACON focuses exclusively on working with emerging businesses to implement concrete, practical, short-term actions designed to start moving their business in the right direction.

DIFFERENTIAL ADVANTAGE Marina Consulting Limited will create a value proposition based on the following differential advantage ideas:

• Focus on helping emerging businesses to start moving in the right direction;

• Practical, actionable, short-term marketing and business strategy help; 

• Local presence for availability and minimization of costs; 

• Broad skill base combining blue chip training with small business experience.

Competitive Edge

Marina Consulting Limited is focused specifically on helping small and emerging businesses maximize their potential for success. We differentiate ourselves in the following ways:

1. Focus on emerging business: Our mission is to help emerging businesses of today become the leading corporations of tomorrow. Marina Consulting Limited will attempt to own the words “emerging business” in the minds of our potential clients. 

2. Cost-effective personal interaction with local consultant presence: We will target new regions with local consultants, allowing us to personally interact with small businesses without needing to bring consultants to the region. 

3. A diverse network of consultants and alliance partners: By relying on a nationally distributed talent base coordinated to work together remotely, we will be able to bring together a variety of skills to meet the needs of our clients.

Key Success Factors: After exploring the opportunities and threats that permeate this market, the following Key Success Factors emerge as the requirements to be successful at providing comprehensive financial, marketing and management consulting services to emerging businesses.

• Local presence in a strong small business market; 

• Affordable pricing structure/minimal costs; 

• Clear value proposition, communicated into target market; 

• Core competencies in finance, accounting, marketing and strategy;

• Recognition as leading “emerging business consultants” or, no other firm claiming that title; 

• Trade/Industry groups and Venture Capitalist relationships.